Rye 51 is a 20 year old company that has mostly grown in the brick & mortar space for the last several years. In 2021 I was brought in post Covid-19 to give the brand some new life and to develop an e-commerce strategy to give us a chance at a new audience and customers. I led a team of vendors and creatives to completely overhaul the brand from top to bottom, changing everything but the name itself. Because fashion calls for a mix of uses in the logo, we developed a few different versions that have the same thread woven through them, but give us adaptability in their uses.
I also led the creation of a new state-of-the-art website, and directed, produced, and often even shot all of the content for both the site and lifestyle as we tried to bring the brand into the 21st century and beyond.
So far our sales are up 679% online and we are industry leaders in key API’s in the menswear e-commerce space. The brand has endless potential, and even recently became the clothing sponsors for ESPN’s Monday Night Football. Check out some of the redesign below, and for more head over the the photography pages to find our latest shoots and videos.